It's important that you provide your dragon with a proper enclosure.
There are a few things you need to consider when buying one.
This article will give you a few tips for choosing bearded dragon habitats.
Size The most important consideration by is size.
Your beardie will be unhappy and unhealthy if you keep him in an enclosure that's too small.
Dragons up to seven inches long can be kept in a 10 gallon aquarium.
20 gallon tanks are suitable enough for those measuring up to 12 inches.
Adults over 12 inches long should be kept in 20 gallon aquariums.
Space Whatever size enclosure you choose, it's more important to have more ground space than vertical space.
Unlike many other types of lizards, bearded dragons don't spend a lot of time off the ground.
They only climb trees and other objects occasionally, so you need to make sure they have plenty of ground space.
Material Another important consideration when choosing habitats for bearded dragons is material.
You should get one made from wood or glass.
These two materials will help retain heat inside the enclosure.
Avoid wire cages because they don't retain heat.
Also, your dragon may injure his nose or feet if he's kept in this type of cage.
If you must get one of these cages, look for one that has plastic-coated wire.
Lid You may be wondering why you'll need a lid if bearded dragons don't like to climb much.
Well, your lizard will certainly climb towards the opening if he sees it's a way to freedom.
Therefore, make sure you get a lid that fits tightly so that it can't be pushed open easily.
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