1Change your diet. Having a healthy diet will give you many benefits, including a healthy spleen. Avoid foods that are highly processed and difficult to break down. These foods include white bread, white pasta, processed sugars and red meat. Stay clear of fast foods and foods with high sugar content. Instead opt for foods that are unprocessed and generally healthy, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits. These foods allow your spleen time to repair and cleanse itself.
Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids with no added sugar, such as water and pure fruit juice. Six to eight cups of water or juice a day is recommended for a healthy lifestyle. Keep soda pop and alcoholic beverages to a minimum or cut them out of your lifestyle all together.
Don't smoke. Keeping your spleen healthy will allow it to work more efficiently, and avoiding tobacco products, such as cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, will keep all your internal organs happier and healthier.
Fill your diet with foods that nourish the spleen, such as ginger, leeks, garlic, onions and cinnamon. Adding them to your diet will give your spleen the added boost that it has been missing.
Detox your body. To rid your body of toxins that may be causing your spleen to not work properly, perform a detox. Detoxing can remove the build up of toxins that may have been lingering in your body for years.