- 1). Adjust your diet. Exercise is important, but with your nutrition, you have the power to change instantly. The key is to replace sweets and fatty junk foods with healthier options; this way, you won't feel deprived. Deprivation may work in the short term, but it is not easily maintained and you'll be more likely to go right back up a jean size once you quit dieting. The changes don't have to be drastic. For example, opt for yogurt instead of cheesecake and choose a grilled chicken salad instead of a cheeseburger.
- 2). Begin an exercise program. You don't have to break your back each session; the key is to maintain continuity. Walking is a great way to burn calories, plus it works well for clearing your head. When choosing a route, look for a slight incline in order to burn more fat. Or, if you're on a treadmill, a 20 degree setting will also work.
- 3). Stick to your routine. If you miss a day or two, don't get down on yourself and declare the effort to drop a jean size over. The key is to keep at it. Just as junk food gradually puts pounds on your mid section, regular exercise will gradually take them off. For example, when you eat a pizza, you don't instantly gain 20 pounds; it's a cumulative effect. The same rings true with losing the flab around your waist in that the process is slowly but surely effective.
- 4). Keep the jeans in the closet until you're at the end of your plan, however long that may be. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least a week. In a sense, it's the same principle with weighing yourself when you're trying to lose weight, in that you shouldn't do it every day, lest you get discouraged. Give yourself time to slim down and get into those smaller jeans.
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