- 1). Identify the start state. This is the first event in the code. In binary code, this would be expressed as the number 1 or 0.
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The finite states are the possibilities between the beginning and the end of the code.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Identify the accept state. This is the last event in your code. The properties of finite state are expressed as the individual events between the start and accept states and their collective outcome. The start state and the accept state are always static. They remain the same while the code between them is delineated in a variety of ways. - 3). Identify the potential states in your code. Since computers read code in a linear direction, a set of computer code can be expressed in a variety of ways, or finite states. For example, a set of code with the number 0 and the number 1 has two finite states. This set can be expressed as 01 or 10. Codes are typically much larger than this. Use a diagram to depict the potential states or use probability mathematics to generate a list.
- 4). Identify the transitions in your code. Code is read as a sequence of events. Each sequence requires a number of steps to reach a programming outcome. Each of these steps is a transition. By isolating the transitions from the finite states, you can view the individual aspects of the code. This allows you to isolate any specific problems. When generating or evaluating code, you can rearrange individual transitions to produce different states.
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The output is the result of reading code as a finite state. A picture may be rendered by pixels, for example.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Identify the output of your code. This is the final state of the code. By following a sequence of transitions in a defined pattern from start state to accept state, you will produce an outcome. Each finite state produces a different outcome. This is the output. It is the final expression of code that results in text or processing information.