Business & Finance Arts & Crafts Business

Leaflet Distribution: A Great Marketing Strategy?

You might be confused if leaflet distribution can actually make a great marketing strategy. Considering the more glamorous world of TV ads and magazine ads, it may seem improbable that this method can be very effective. But surprisingly, it has been proved that this strategy has indeed been able to entice quite a few potential customers to the business. Why is it that a businessman still depends on this method to give him success? There must be many advantages involved to make this strategy still so popular today.

Affordable – If you compare leaflet distribution with the other forms of advertising, then you will find that it is much more cost effective. You have to spend huge amounts of money on hiring models, advertising company and a time slot on the TV channel to make advertising effective. But in this method, you just need to design leaflets and deliver them from door-to-door so that people can read them and be inquisitive about your product or service. And since it is not so expensive, you can keep doing it for a long time so that the potential customer always stays updated about your products and your business becomes more visible.

Noticeable – In leaflet distribution, the flyers come straight to the hands of the potential customers and if you have timed it perfectly, they will surely look at the leaflets and think about visiting the place. When you place the flyer in the hands directly, you force the customer to give it his attention. If you have designed it properly, you can ensure that you will catch the attention of the person. Whereas, when you show the ad on TV, you cannot ensure that the person will see it. And most people have a habit of changing channels when the ads come on.

Niche Customers – You can target niche customers by leaflet distribution. If you have a boutique which deals with sports clothes, you can target the health clubs and the sports arenas to give the flyers. By keeping the leaflets in the windshields of the cars parked near the sports grounds, you may be able to reach out to the select few interested in buying sports gear. If you have a restaurant, you can target people in the area where your restaurant is located. In this way, you can make yourself reach out to people who can turn out to be your customers for sure.

Accountability – In this method, you can ask the distribution company to keep an account of the leaflets he distributes. He can make a video recording or get the signature of the people he visits. In this way, you can be sure that you have sent the leaflets to a particular number of people and then find out how many of them actually became your customers. In this way, you can know if the strategy is working and also how you can improve it. If you see that more than half the people targeted are coming to you, then you can increase your expenses in leaflet distribution and hope to achieve a higher profit.

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