Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Methods And Choices In Permanent Hair Removal

While the term 'permanent hair removal' is somewhat misleading as many methods actually only achieve reduction or semi-permanent removal, there are several methods that are significantly more effective than shaving or waxing.
They include laser treatments, electrolysis, and some experimental procedures.
Laser treatments are popular because they provide great results to the majority of people.
They are not allowed to be marketed as permanent removal in the United States, but the FDA has authorized the term 'permanent reduction' because they achieve a reduction of 90% of hair growth in most people.
Laser treatments require several sessions, as hair grows in cycles and all the hair follicles must be exposed to the procedure.
It can be used on all areas of the body.
Although Laser hair reduction does not work for everyone, as the laser used in most cases is attracted to dark pigments of hair and skin.
So laser hair reduction could work well for someone with light skin and dark unwanted hairs, while it would not work well for anyone of dark skin or anyone who wants light blonde hair removed.
Electrolysis is a method of destroying the follicles via chemicals or heat.
It can be performed on any area of the body with unwanted hairs, and completely destroys the follicles' ability to regrow hairs.
However, it takes a very long time, as each individual follicle must be treated.
Complete removal of facial hairs can take over two years.
Hairs removed via this method almost never grow back, however.
Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal that the FDA has authorized as 'permanent hair removal.
' Cost and time must be considered when choosing a method of treatment for unwanted hairs.
Laser treatments were invented because of the painstaking time required to achieve reduction via electrolysis, however, both methods require multiple treatments at a not-insignificant cost.
Discomfort or even pain can be experienced during either laser treatments or electrolysis, and laser treatments often leave a sunburn-like burn on the skin temporarily.
However, most people find they can tolerate this discomfort and many find it worthwhile.
Some who practice electrolysis can suggest creams to you that you can put on prior to your treatment and they will numb the area more so the pain in lessened.
Permanent hair removal has two major downsides-- expense and discomfort.
If the expense is not a problem and is discomfort can be tolerated, these methods are quite effective in preventing re-growth in unwanted areas of the body, and allowing improved self-esteem.

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