Displays There are few better ways to get the volume of calls up than using displays of your work that include some type of literature (postcard, brochure, etc.
) that prompts interested people to request more information.
Referrals Did you know that it is easier to get someone to book if their friend has already used you and is singing your praises?Don't underestimate the value of using your current client base as a way to get more clients.
Auctions Donating to auctions is a way to give back to your community and gain new clients as well.
Sessions done for auctions winners translates into big sales for me every year.
Giving it away for free Offers for free sessions are great for getting people in the door and more often than not, they end up ordering from you, turning the "free" session into a great money-maker.
The 4 ideas I just described are things very few photographers are doing.
Look around and see if I'm right.
When was the last time you saw a photography display that prompted people to call for more information?How often do you see portrait sessions up for bid at an auction?What about giving services away for free?Are you kidding?That's what makes these techniques so great for you-since no one else is doing them, you'll stand out as unique among a sea of photographers, that to most people are all the same.
Once you know how to create displays that get a response, how to get your current clients to send their friends to you, how to donate to an auction that benefits a worthy cause as well as your business, and how to get people to contact you for "free" sessions, you'll say goodbye to wondering where your next client will come from-you'll be on the phone with that next client, and the next, and the next.
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