Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How To Decrease Your Chances Of Getting Skin Cancer

Melanoma is a type of cancer that occurs on the skin and all the parts of your body that is exposed to the sun light and the outdoors.
For instance, melanoma can occur on your throat or your shoulders or your back or arms or hands or feet or legs and in even more places if you wear swim suits and other kinds of things when you go swimming.
When this happens, and the skin suffers from too much contact with sun light, it becomes dark in pigment and then begins to itch sometimes or bleed or itch and you will experience immense discomfort.
In fact, your skin cells will be breaking down and suffering from mutation, and your chances of skin cancer have suddenly increased dramatically.
Melanoma is a cancer that begins on the skin, as a result of these sun caused mutations, but easily can spread to other parts of your body.
If not caught early, it can spread to various organs, even, and affect you in ways that can ultimately be fatal.
Now, preventing this has to do with going back to the start of things and by protecting yourself from the excess sun exposure.
It is not possible to avoid the sun all the time, but you can certainly take measures to keep yourself out of the sun's way when it is hottest.
This occurs usually between ten in the morning and four pm.
The sun is hottest and most powerful during that time and being aware of that can help you take precautions necessary to keep yourself out of the sun.
During this time, make sure you try to stay in the shade at all times that you do go outside and if you cannot find any shade then try to wear things that will shield you.
Wear big hats that protect your face and throat, wear sheer shawls or long sleeved cotton shirts and pants so that you are not exposed to the sun.
Carry an umbrella if you need to and shade yourself from the burning sun.
Also, wear some sun screen with high enough SPF protection, too.
Also, you want to make sure that you protect your eyes, as melanoma can cause cataracts and blindness, and wearing sunglasses will shield your eyes from the powerful rays of the sun and keep you safe from developing those dangerous symptoms and consequences.
Stay away from even tanning beds and false sun light, as those harsh rays can do the exact same dangerous cell mutation as anything else.
Keeping yourself protected from these effects is essential in keeping yourself safe from developing this dangerous cancer.
Once the cancer begins to spread, treatment for it becomes a lot more aggressive and sometimes more difficult and dangerous.
But if you take the proper precautions from the start you will not have to endure the process and you will be able to live longer and healthier.
Preventing it can help you avoid getting skin cancer, and not having skin cancer can help you avoid having it spread to the inside of your organs, causing you to suffer from damage that you cannot ever undo.

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