Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

Acupuncture - the Art Of Needles

The pleasure of being treated by having needles inserted into your skin is not even considered or visualised by most people.
However, to several who have discovered alternatives with holistic healing and Chinese medicine, this is the perfect remedy.
The theory of acupuncture in Chinese medicine is significant to helping with correcting the energy flow in someone.
The fundament of acupuncture is that there are certain points in the body that are significant to ones healing and to assist with the healing process pressure needs to be exerted at these points by means of a device.
Pathways of Qi energy should flow freely in a healthy person and any symptoms of illness will indicate any barriers to this movement.
The free flowing energy provides everything the cells need and removes all waste that has formed, the consequence being an improvement in the emotional and physical health.
Symptoms of any illness will become manifest if Qi is blocked at any level.
Although many observe acupuncture as involving needles, other techniques are also used, including herbs, burning and electric stimulation.
However, needles are used as the prime means of reconnecting the energy flow in the body.
Determining where to place the needles will be dictated by the need to return the flow to normal.
Acupuncture practitioners begin by studying the areas where the flows of energy are.
These are known as meridians or channels in the body and there are twelve major channels where the energy flows and cycles within the body.
Illness or disease is evident when these channels have become blocked at their interconnecting points.
These points are examined and unblocked by exercising pressure at the specific points by the use of acupuncture.
Once the practitioner has diagnosed the locations for the acupuncture, then it is crucial to analyse the effects that all of these connections will have.
Elements that are directly related to what the body needs to be at optimum health are associated to these different points.
These are principally linked to the five elements that are conceived to be the basis to the laws of the universe.
One of the most beneficial ways to improve or sustain good health is with acupuncture and specialists are able to ascertain which areas of Qi are not flowing correctly by determining the respective channels and connections in the body.
By affecting the way that the energy flows helps to restore and revitalize the energy levels in the body and by reaching a better flow of energy can attain optimum health.
Many people have regular acupuncture treatments in order to stay healthy and maintain their Qi levels at an optimum level and more and more people are turning to acupuncture as an alternative to conventional medicine.
The benefits of this ancient practise are becoming better understood and encouraged by conventional western medicine.
Generally speaking, the advantages of acupuncture are considered to be helpful in relieving any kind of imbalance or misdirected energy by use of a safe, non-drug process.

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