Business & Finance Small Business

The Power Of Your Backend!

Your Backend Is Your Key To The Vault! What am I talking about? If you think about it, once you get a new client, you have to understand the true wealth comes from not just the service of that day, but from everything else you get from them over time! The lifetime value of your client is the secret here.
With the information age, we have all heard of the importance to build your list.
Build relationships through...
Know, Like and Trust.
What about your existing database.
What have you done to build your community or your business tribe? This is the backend of your business.
Too often the focus is drawing new clients, yet statistics prove your existing clients are far easier to sell to and if looked after are long term income for you.
Let's face it our business world has changed, and if you're not adapting and keeping up with change your leaving your backend wide open to siphon of the wealth that should be yours.
For many traditional, industrial business models this change is overwhelming and unfortunately leaving many, putting this side of their business in the too hard basket.
If they continue to do so they are openly leaving money on the table.
Can you afford to leave your money on the table because you're not prepared to adapt.
I don't think so.
My business makes all the money from additional sales to members! If I had to live on the front end (initial sale) revenue, I'd be broke and out of business.
And you will be broke, or if not broke, always under utilizing your potential...
if you don't focus on your backend.
Gosh, how much opportunity to build your backend is their in all industries but in particular the service industry...
you can't buy it all on line Hairdressing for example, Plumbing, Lawn mowing business.
Here is a brief list of things to think about doing for your backend:
  • Referrals
  • Written Guarantee
  • Newsletters
  • Start a trend or a fad
  • Auto ship
  • Sell via Multi Level Marketing
  • Joint ventures
Related products/ services that your people can do to help others, that you can keep for yourself.
(Hairdresser selling Health and Beauty product as autoship) I think you get the idea.
Imagine if you master this concept, you will be amazed at how much more profitable it is to do whatever you do.
Keep in mind it is about 10 times more profitable to sell to existing buyers than to go out and get new ones.
Think about the compounding effect if you worked on your backend as hard if not harder than your front end.
If you do you will see your profits skyrocket.
Understanding the life time value of your client is the biggest secret.
Your advertising or should we say hunting and gathering of clients should end up providing you with a small profit.
Problem created with many small business, they never measure the results.
Your big profits will come from the referrals and the additional sales made to existing clients.
Once again there is a problem! The database, the gold mine of any business is generally not maintained well enough.
There is not that relationship and the Know Like and Trust feeling.
This is a concept that very few business people ever get.
But, the ones that do, make all the money.
What business are you in? Well your in the "Life Time Value Of A Customer" Over time you must make up more money by average than the first time customer.
Not today.
Not tomorrow.
But over the next couple of years, they will make you money especially when you enrol trust and utilise valuable tools like autoship.
Your client can move to a different part of the world yet you can still get paid for it.
The value of this new economy.

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