Health & Medical Lose Weight

7 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat

A common question from both men and women is how to get rid of belly fat.
Belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose.
Abdominal exercises alone will only build muscle under the belly fat.
After a million sit-ups, how to get rid of belly fat will still remain answered with a question mark.
Diet alone will not get rid of belly fat.
Still the quandary: how to get rid of belly fat.
Exercise and diet combined will work, but plans are usually too drastic to stick to.
So how do you get rid of belly fat? Here are seven tips to get you on track: 1.
Be consistent.
This is number 1 because no matter what you try to do to get rid of belly fat, you must commit and stick to a program.
If you are on again off again, you will have belly fat that acts like the ocean tide - going away and coming right back again later.
Find a program that has a good reputation for working
- not a diet - a full program.
Without a tested and proven program to follow, you will be floundering in the preverbal creek without a paddle.
Commit, but start slowly.
Do not shock your system.
If you want to loose belly fat for good, you will have to be like steady tortoise who wins against the faster hare.
Too many people get fired up and run to the gym, lift a million pounds, and don't return because they can't move the next day.
Be smarter than you are eager.
You've heard this before: eat smaller portions.
Be reasonable: you will not go from beagles for breakfast and pasta for dinner to egg whites and tofu.
At first, pick one or two things to CUT that you can live without.
And then eat normal - except, when you get a plate of food, look at it, and then take 1/3 and put it back.
If you are someone who eats three plates, only eat two.
Eliminate HFCS
(High Fructose Corn Syrup) from your diet.
This is not easy: HFCS is everywhere! Simply read the labels on everything you buy - if it has HFCS, look for a brand that uses regular sugar instead.
Belly fat loves HFCS.
Don't give it love, get rid of belly fat! 6.
Take 3 minutes every morning.
Simple - three minutes to do a small amount of activity.
First Do 10 pushups (if you cannot, do them on your knees at first or on a wall standing at an angle).
Then do 10 squats, 10 crunchers and 10 jumping jacks.
If you can't do 10, it's OK - do 5, 5, 5, and 5.
Work up to 10 - and then beyond.
Do it every day - it takes about 3 minutes.
You will be amazed at what consistent small amounts of strength developing activity will do.
Get with a program.
Get with a plan.
Above is just a start.
To really get rid of belly fat, you need to have a plan and support and coaching that will empower you to attack that belly fat with consistency and stick-to-it-iveness until the fat is defeated for good.
You will look and feel better than you can imagine.
You can lose belly fat! Just do it!

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