The successful hemorrhoid treatment is the ultimate goal of every piles sufferer.
The main purpose of this article is to reveal the three common myths about this treatment.
These myths concern common misconceptions related to the usage ofherbal or pharmaceutical creams, suppositories, surgery and alternative treatment for healing hemorrhoids.
Myth number one: Herbal or pharmaceuticalcreams and suppositories may cure your piles.
It is scientifically proven fact that creams and suppositories do not heal hemorrhoids because they neither attack nor eliminate the root cause oftheir development.
They only bring temporary relief.
What is more, long term usage of creams and suppositories can complicate and flare your piles.
Myth Number Two: Hemorrhoids surgery is an ultimate solution.
If I undergo a surgery, my hemorrhoids will be removed forever.
The surgery does not remove the root cause of the piles development as well.
It only eliminates the consequences - the engorged hemorrhoids formations.
As time passes, your piles will develop again, and you should pass through this painful experience again and again.
What is more, surgery may irreversibly affect the inherent human body potential for spontaneous recovering from the disease.
The same thoughts are valid for semi surgical treatments as: * sclerotherapy * cryotherapy * manual dilation * photocoagulation * bipolar diathermy and electrocoagulation * rubber band ligation Myth Number Three: Alternative hemorrhoids treatment is not as effective as semi-surgical or surgical procedures.
Herbal oral treatment is very effective at early stages of hemorrhoids development, especially when combined with a high fiber diet and intake of sufficient amount of liquids.
Here herbal oral treatment refers to oral intake of herbal pills or herbal infusions.
Regarding herbal creams, suppositories or ointments, they also bring only a fast temporary relief.
They will not eliminate your hemorrhoids completely.
There is only one exception to the above mentioned statements.
This exception is the application of essential oils therapy.
Essential oils, also known as natural oils, are extremely concentrated healing oils derived from plants.
In contrast to other creams and suppositories which stay only on a cell surface, natural oils penetrate deeply through body cells into the blood system.
By doing so, the natural oils treat this disease holistically.
Herbal or pharmaceutical creams and suppositories should be used only for bringing fast relief and for short term applications.
For complete elimination of piles development, alternative therapy combined with a high fiber diet and sufficient daily intake of liquids can be applied successfully at early stages of the ailment.
The surgery or semi-surgery treatments can be used when these alternative options have failed, having in mind that these interventions do not remove the root cause and may have high recurrence rate in the long run.
The proper choice of hemorrhoids treatment in terms of a fast, successful outcome and lower financial load is of vital importance for every piles sufferer.
Therefore the best way is the comparative in-depth research of the best natural hemorrhoids treatment options to precede every therapy.
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