In this article you are going to learn three simple and effective steps you can take to help fix the PS3 error 80022a07 on your console, so that you can get back to enjoying your favorite games once again.
Keep reading to learn how to get your trophies and awards back yourself, before you ship your console off to Sony and have to fork out $150 to get your PS3 fixed.
Know Your Enemy The PS3 error 80022a07 is not caused by overheating or damage to internal components, but is instead a software/network-based error.
This means you should not have to actually open up your console in order to be able to fix it.
The error itself prevents you from properly updating or accessing your trophies and awards earned during gaming, and is therefore a very frustrating problem for an avid gamer.
Check Your Wireless Connection Often the 80022a07 error code on your PS3 is caused by network connection difficulties.
This happens most frequently on consoles that connect to the Sony network via a wireless connection.
In order to check whether it is a wireless connection problem that has caused the error you need to shut down both your PS3 console, and your wireless router/modem.
Restart both to see if this has fixed the error.
Use A Wired Connection Wired Internet connections are generally far more robust, so it is expedient to use a wired connection for your PS3 where possible.
If this is not possible then at least ensure that you do not have other devices connected to your wireless network that are downloading/using large amounts of bandwidth at the same time as your PS3.
By learning about the PS3 error 80022a07, and then combating the network related caused of the error you should hopefully be able to fix the problem yourself.
This is far better than paying Sony $150 to fix something that is not even your fault in the first place.
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