Business & Finance Shopping

Reviewing the November Birthstone-Two Beautiful Gems the Topaz and the Citrine

Let's discuss the two suburb gemstones in this article. If you've wondered €what is the birthstone for November' we'll answer some of your questions. Topaz and Citrine are the two birthstone colors for the birthdays of November.

The golden gemstone €the citrine€ has myth and legends surrounding it as energy and hope for the wearer as well as vitality and health. It is found in a large range of shades from a soft yellow to orange and a variety of shades of dark orange. It is quality gemstone but at a more affordable price, so value but cheap wedding bands are accessible. The citrine is readily found in the environment. It is found normally in Spain, Brazil and Bolivia.

The Topaz is popular worldwide gem. As it regards the history of this jewel, its use can be traced back in the middle ages during the reigns of traditional kings and queens. They used the gem as a symbol of goodwill. Historical facts suggest that the name topaz was derived from the word fire in ancient Sanskrit language.

Finding a colorless topaz is not easy. What is available in the market is a collection of gems of different shades. These shades are specifically red, yellow, blue or even pink. The reason for changing this color from the original colorless nature is to enhance its look and makes it too attractive for commercial purposes.

Most of the topaz used in the world comes from north and South America. This is due to the existence of numerous mine sites in such continents which produce large amount of topaz. To be specific, Brazil is a country in South America where these gems are found in large amounts. Also the larger parts of Colorado as well as California are also synonymous with these precious gems.

Though South America leads in production of topaz, Europe as a continent still boasts as one of the producers of this precious jewel. All across Portugal, Ukraine and some parts of Russia are several areas where topaz is mined.

Most people nowadays like to shop for ornaments that are made of this November birth stone. The main reason being that the gems are less costly and durable altogether. With the variety of selections of jewelry and the lower cost gems makes it a common for the blue topaz engagement rings to be preferred. The topaz to be one of the most adored gems in the world.

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