- A loan modification is a process in which you negotiate with your lender to alter the terms of your existing mortgage loan agreement. Your lender could give you a lower interest rate or add more months on to the end of the term. By taking these actions, you can get a more affordable monthly payment and your lender can then keep you in your house. Most lenders want to help keep borrowers in their homes as it ensures monthly mortgage payments are coming in.
- Loan modification companies are available for those who do not want to pursue a loan modification on their own. Some people choose to contact the lender's mitigation department and negotiate the entire deal alone. Others would rather have someone who is familiar with this process to negotiate for them. Loan mod companies charge a fee for their services and then they take care of the entire process for you. This is the route to go if you do not feel comfortable talking to the lender on your own.
- One of the problems with this particular industry is the large number of scam companies. Many companies that claim to be able to help modify your loan are nothing more than an elaborate front to get your money. Most of the time, these companies require a very large upfront fee. They will take your upfront fee and then not provide the services they promised. You should also be skeptical of any company that promises guaranteed results. Since each case is different and requires negotiation, no one could guarantee these results.
- Using a legitimate loan modification company could potentially help you save your house. By modifying your loan, you can get an affordable payment and avoid foreclosure. With this kind of help, you can also save time because you will not have to go through the negotiation process with your lender. This process will usually damage your credit a bit, but it will damage it much less than what a foreclosure would do. If you can find a solid company to work with, the benefits can outweigh the drawbacks of this process.
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