Home & Garden Gardening

Gardening Grows on You

Gardening is good for you, good for your neighbors, good for your kids and good for your dog.
Especially if you do it the right way.
Gardening has been around for ages, and it's almost so ingrained into our genes, it's like an instinct.
In the sense that gardening feels good to do, to dig, and plant a seed and watch it grow.
It's kind of an analogy for what it means to being human.
It just plain feels good to see something you've planted, mature and come to fruition as a living thing.
Something mystical almost about gardening.
Not to mention, there are the additional benefits of the after effect of all your gardening accomplishments.
Astetically, there really is nothing more pleasing, warming and comforting to look upon then a bountiful garden.
Whether it is rose garden, a vegetable garden,or just a garden of plants, bushes and flowers of all varieties.
It touches a human feeling at pretty much an unconscious level.
I feels just right.
Even a little planting or gardening in an otherwise artificial environment makes the whole environment feel more natural.
Organic Nirvana While there is plenty of artificial stimulants, preservatives, and preventatives to aid in the gardening process, there is something to be said for the whole organic gardening process.
Not only is it a healthier choice for us, but it's one less thing to fret about with all the misinformation these days about what things you need to avoid.
That in itself is a mental health reason to choose organic gardening.
Not to mention, for those of use who like a challenge and are constantly trying to stay off the tried and true approach, organic gardening provides many possibilities.
Finding new and and inventive natural ways to keep the pests away, and help the garden grow can be fascinating.
Again another mind satisfying result.
Neighborly Abundance As anyone who knows a gardener can attest to, gardeners are the worst estimators around.
They always seem to plant far more than they can eat, cook, or can.
So as a result all their friends, families, and neighbors end up with baskets and baskets of tomatoes, peppers and whatever cornucopia the harvest has brought.
And of course, this whole giving aspect of gardening is bound to make both the gardener and gardeners friends a much happier lot.
The whole idea of giving is better than receiving really sprouts up here.
And since receiving is not so bad either, all the rest of us enjoy the benefits of our backyard farmers exploits.
Of course if organic gardening was employed, then it's better for everyone involved.
Helps keep us all away from those nasty store bought vegetables, with enough growth hormones to visit the giants castle at the end of the bean stalks.
So, get gardening all you green thumbs, I've got an empty cupboard.

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