Technology Computer & Networking security

How to Ease Your Guilty Conscience this Christmas

Our society has witnessed a few changes in Christmas traditions. Travel back a hundred years or so and the holiday was treated as less of a ‘national' thing and more of what it is supposed to be…religious. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy December 25th; it's the one day of the year I can eat my body weight in chocolate without anyone judging me. The thing that bothers me is the material aspect of the day – giving presents just to receive one back. If someone doesn't receive a present on Christmas they're considered to be so hard done by because the ipad they wanted is still in the store. I only provide this cynical view on gift giving because every year I feel bad for the people out there who have nothing – no family, no food, and no presents; not even any shelter on Christmas day. That's why I've compiled this list of ways to feel better about yourself this year, a way to escape the mindless materialism of our society in order to embrace the generosity within you…

1)      Homeless Shelter

Volunteer yourself to help the less fortunate this Christmas. There are homeless shelters set up all over the country with the aim to feed the homeless and provide warmth for them over the holiday season. After all, everyone deserves the common comforts on the most treasured day of the year.

2)      Salvation Army

If you can't find the time to volunteer your services for part of the day, donate some money to the Salvation Army. Every year they run a campaign for the homeless and lonely, providing them with a decent Christmas meal and a friendly environment to spend the day in. All it costs you is £19 so you'll be changing someone's Christmas for less than £20.

3)      Donate Old Toys

There are always toy drives going on to collect old toys for children who need them. As previously mentioned, not everyone is lucky enough to receive presents on Christmas day, and some parents can't afford to buy their kids new things every December 25th. Donate your old toys to charity instead of just throwing them out – the needy kids will enjoy them much more than the garbage dump. The same goes for adults, donate or recycle your unwanted things. You can give away clothes, books, furniture, and technology (or send technology off for computer recycling Leeds so they can be made into newer items).

So this Christmas, don't get caught up in the material world – remember that December 25th is still just a day and there are people still suffering who you can help!

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