If you are going to do international investing right now, where would you most likely wish to put your money? There are some economies that are growing rather rapidly, and if you are careful you could make quite a bit of return on your money, even as the US economy has very slow growth right now, and it may not take off again if we get a double dip recession.
That's not to say that the US economy is not a safe place to put your money, it absolutely is and if the economy continues to grow, so too will your investments.
Still, why put all your eggs in one basket when countries like Brazil, Vietnam, and China are screaming along quite nicely? Perhaps, you might like to read a little bit on this to help your personal finances.
If so there's a very good book I'd like to recommend to you, the name of the book is; "The Book of International Investing; Everything You Need to Know About Investing in Foreign Markets," by John A.
Prestbo and Douglas R.
Sease If you enjoy books by Mark Mobius, and perhaps, Jim Rogers, then you will definitely enjoy this book as well.
Although this book is not new, the same fundamental principles apply to our current time.
Why not become a value investor, and do a little speculation in international economies which are experiencing excellent growth right now? I'd recommend this book to anyone that wishes to diversify and invest in emerging and/or overseas markets.
In fact, I have a copy of this book my personal library, and I often pull it out and read a chapter or two just to remind myself that the United States is not the only game in town.
We live in a global economic situation now, and we should be investing that way.
Please consider all this.
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