- 1). Divide the improper fraction's numerator by its denominator on the calculator. For example, to convert the improper fraction 375/23, calculate 375 divided by 23, which equals 16.3.
- 2). Identify the whole number portion of your result. The whole number is to the left of the decimal. Because 16 is to the left of the decimal in the number 16.3, 16 will be the whole number in your mixed number.
- 3). Multiply the improper fraction's denominator by the whole number portion of the mixed number using the calculator. For example, calculate 23 times 16, which equals 368.
- 4). Subtract your result from the improper fraction's numerator to determine the numerator of your mixed number. For example, calculate 375 minus 368, which equals 7. Therefore, 7 will be the numerator of the mixed number.
- 5). Write the numerator of the mixed number over the improper fraction's denominator to determine the fraction portion of the mixed number. For example, write 7 over 23, which equals 7/23.
- 6). Write the fraction portion to the right of the whole number portion to get the mixed number. For example, write 7/23 to the right of 16, which results in 16 7/23 as the mixed number.
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