Why do you need a larger amount of traffic and a larger amount of email subscribers? The answer is simple.
Online marketing, just like any business in the world, heavily depends on the law of averages.
This means that to increase the number of conversions (sales and sign-ups), then you also need to increase the number of people who view your offer.
By doing so, you also increase your success percentage and the ratio of prospects to customers/business partners.
But for most network marketers online, getting the traffic and building the big list is the hard part.
While the gurus and experts make it look easy (because they have decades of experience in this industry), the reality is that the average online networker struggles with these two basic things (traffic and list building).
The reason for this is because ten or twenty years ago, traffic and list building are foreign to the network marketing field.
This industry emerged mainly from offline marketing and word of mouth.
The MLM old timers and the pioneers did methods that are totally different from what we are doing today.
The result? Very few training materials about traffic and list building are available from the MLM industry itself.
We need to derive these information from a very different but relevant industry -- internet marketing.
In this article, I cannot go through specific list building and traffic methods.
The fact is, methods go obsolete, and trends go out of style.
but concepts remain and that's our main concern today.
If you want to truly get more traffic and build a huge list, you need to do two (2) basic things: Advertise more, and produce more content.
At the end of the day, people who have the MOST ads out there, and those who produce and CONTROL THE CONTENT, are the ones who get the traffic and build massive lists.
Sure there's more clockwork going on behind the scenes, but basically, putting out more ads and circulating more content on the web is the name of the game.
Those are the things that rake the big bucks.
The key is to develop enough CONSISTENCY and DISCIPLINE to advertise and produce content on a regular basis.
Do it effectively, and do it regularly.
Then watch your online business grow.
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