Health & Medical Yoga

Using Meditation Techniques to Reduce Stress

Learning how to meditate can be one of the best things you can do to regain some control of your life, and start to reduce your stress and anxiety levels.
People encounter stress everyday, some do at work or school, others at home.
While they are usually able to cope with stress, sometimes the burden simply becomes too much that people break down because of it.
The Science of Stress In the General Adaptation Syndrome model designed by Hans Selye, he identifies three stages that people undergo when stressed.
During the first stage, the body goes on a state of alarm at the realization of a threat.
In this stage, cortisol is released by the body.
The second stage is where the body becomes unable to cope with the strain until its resources are depleted.
Finally, the body breaks down which include the exhaustion of the immune system.
Because of this, the body is unable to fight of sicknesses which then expose the person to illnesses.
How Meditation Helps Reduce Stress Meditation is one method which can help reduce the stress levels of a person.
By calming the mind and giving the person a sense of control over things, the things that are considered threats (the things which cause stress) become easier to manage.
But the reduction of stress isn't the end of the exercise.
Since stress can make people prone to illnesses, reducing stress can help in keeping the person healthy.
The practice of meditation techniques, therefore, can result in improved health and resistance to illnesses.
So the next time you feel stressed out, try to calm yourself down by practicing meditation.
While your problems won't exactly go away, you at least become mentally prepared to face them.

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