Travel & Places Specialty Travel

Adventure Travel Caravan Camper Tours


    • Campers come in all shapes and sizes.rv image by Greg Pickens from

      An adventure travel camper caravan is a planned tour that has specific itineraries for destinations and a time frame for staying at each destination. Each tour has a Wagonmaster, the group leader, and Tailgunners who bring up the rear. Many tours take place within the United States, but there are also tours that travel by cruise ship and that visit foreign countries.


    • There are advantages to traveling in a camping caravan.rv,rving image by Greg Pickens from

      A caravan camper tour generally offers accommodations at hotels, lodges, and resorts. The length of stay at each location depends on your particular tour, but tour leaders usually take into consideration local shopping and sightseeing. When traveling to foreign countries, the tour providers may employ native guides for their knowledge of the local attractions and have them lead the group from start to finish. On some tours, both in the United States and in some foreign countries, the tour company provides the food and water for the trip.

    Size and Length of Tours



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