Before you jump into a search for Florida dental insurance, there are a few things that you should know first.
For one, dental insurance may not be your best option for dental care, especially if you need to see a dentist right away because of an existing problem, such as tooth pain or a need for braces or dentures.
Dental insurance, like most other types of insurance, does not cover conditions that are considered to be pre-existing.
This means that if you already have tooth decay and your plan is to buy a dental insurance plan, then you are in for a big surprise because you will not be covered.
You see, insurance is designed to provide you with protection in the event of an unforeseen incident or event.
This means that buying insurance is supposed to protect you against something that "might" happen to you, not something that has already happened.
Let me give you an example.
Let's say that you went down to a used car lot in Florida and decided to buy a car.
You got a great deal on it because it had a dent in the passenger side door.
You took it to your insurance agent to get coverage on it and the first thing that your agent did was check the VIN number and do a complete walk around the vehicle, making notes of every existing bit of damage to it, including the dent in the passenger door.
Do you think that you'll be able to make a claim for that dent later? Not a chance, because it was pre-existing damage and it was documented.
This is similar to how dental insurance works in Florida or anywhere else that you may live.
It takes time for cavities (caries) to form and a dentist will know immediately if they were pre-existing or not and whether you can put in an insurance claim or not.
If you are looking for Florida dental insurance, your best bet is to join a discount dental plan instead, especially if you already have problems with your teeth that need immediate attention.
These discount plans are not insurance, therefore, you can save a lot of money on practically any dental care need.
Depending upon where you live and the plan you choose, savings can be as high as 60%.
This includes major discounts on things like dentures, braces, routine dental care and more.
Some discount plans even offer discounts on Cosmetic Dentistry! So if you've been looking at Florida dental insurance, you really should check out a discount dental plan first.
They are much more popular than insurance now and there's a reason for that.
It's because they're your best option.