Premature ejaculation is probably very rarely caused by an organic condition, although this possibility should be considered when lack of control occurs after a period of normal sexual performance.
Some of these cases could be attributed to neurological factors and disorders.
In contrast to organic factors, a man's previous learning experiences may be particularly important in the science of premature ejaculation.
This is because voluntary control of the orgastic and ejaculatory reflexes is assumed to be acquired by learning, and the success or otherwise of this process will depend on the conditions to which the man is exposed.
For example to the extent that premature ejaculation is a product of rushed early experiences of intercourse, then it could simply be caused by lack of experience.
In order to control your orgastic and ejaculatory reflexes you must learn to recognize the erotic sensations that signal the build-up of arousal and the imminence of climax.
There are a number of ways in which such recognition might fail to develop or operate; for example, rushed early sexual experiences might deprive you of some opportunities to learn to recognize these sensations and to exercise voluntary control.
Additionally, such control might be impeded or disrupted by distracting anxiety or other reactions that are caused by stress.
Premature ejaculation can also arise both as a developmental disorder in which adequate control is not acquired, and as a stress disorder in which it breaks down in conditions of threat.
Many stress conditions, which I will go over in a different article, could be blamed for the ejaculation problem.
For example, if you have ejaculated rapidly on one or more previous occasions, you may anticipate a similar failure during you next attempt.
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