The four Cs always determine and decide the quality and price when it comes to diamond jewelry. The four Cs are: Clarity, Carat, Color and Cut. Before making any major diamond purchase, always make sure to know everything essential.
The general quality of the diamond is often referred to as Clarity. You might have noticed how diamond graders, using light, examine the diamonds. This is because it gives more easy access to a tough and difficult procedure. By examining the diamonds through this process their job becomes a lot simpler. This process in turn allows them to spot lines, bubbles and numerous other imperfections that the diamond may have incurred during its formation. The more brilliant diamonds are the clear diamonds and hence, they are more expensive.
Carat is nothing else than an unit equal to 200 milligrams and not the size of the diamond. As you would expect, greater value is always emphasized on diamonds of higher cost.
In terms of Color, as they reflect more light, the colorless diamonds are the most expensive. Even though they are rarely used in engagement rings, the rainbow colored diamond is very common.
Last but not the least, cut is often deemed as the most important factor of all the Cs. For starters, the brilliance of the diamond is always determined by the cut. The stones ability to reflect light gets affected when the diamond is made to cut into specific angles and different shapes. Also, diamonds poorly cut, are prone to breakage.
Taking all these factors into consideration, a high quality-carat, clear and colorless diamond is usually placed on the most expensive diamond jewelry. Even though cut is considered to be a highly-subjective factor, a lot of people prefer buying a round shaped diamond for an engagement ring.
Authenticity and quantity of its collection are not the only factors to be considered while looking for a store which sells diamond jewelry. It is important that you find a store that educates and guides you about these four Cs to ensure you end up buying only fine diamond jewelry.
4 Cs of Diamond Jewelry:
The diamond industry has always graded and categorized the various characteristics of diamonds. Learning about the four Cs of diamonds is considered to be the most important factor.
-Carat Weight
These are the criteria adopted by jewelers while grading diamonds and in order to buy the right diamond; theyre the ones you will need to understand.
Of all the Cs, cut is considered as probably the most important and challenging task to be understood. As you know, cut is the factor that usually decides the brilliance of a diamond.
Most diamonds contain some inner flaws that occur during the formation process. The clarity of a diamond is generally determined by the visibility, number and size of the diamonds. Diamonds that are clear, create more brilliance, and thus are more highly priced.
The most desirable diamonds are the colorless diamonds as they allow sparkling or refraction of light. Brilliance is inhibited by off white diamonds as they absorb light.
Carat Weight:
A diamond is usually measured by a Carat which is the unit of its weight. The price of a diamond generally rises exponentially to its size. This is a proven fact because large diamonds are found less commonly than small diamonds. So, read and get a better understanding of what a carat is and how it affects the appearance of a diamond.
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