Health & Medical Women's Health

Weight Vs Health Debate Part 7 - Refusing the Status Quo

In previous sections of this series, we have talked about the issues and industries that affect our body images.
We have seen the efforts of the fashion industry to fit us all on size zeroes, talked about the food we eat, whether we are too skinny or obese.
Today, we are going to discuss the idea of not accepting anyone's idea of healthy, except your own.
As I mentioned in previous issues, this series was inspired by the efforts of a particular store to claim size 12 as a plus size in their store.
Originally I was appalled.
My second thought was to boycott the store.
Then I quickly realized that a public display against the store is the equivalent of unpaid advertising.
Strategies, like everything in life, have to change to suit the situation.
We live in a society where people claim their individuality by conforming to a certain standard.
Young girls want to be different than their peers, yet they all dress the same.
Men want to look good so they all practice the same exercises.
Women over 40 don't want to get old, so many of them resort to Botox and plastic surgery to recover their youth.
We all want to be skinny, young and beautiful.
We want it right now.
We are not willing to put the extra effort needed to look that way.
We want a pill, a surgery, a magic potion.
There is none.
I don't mean to sound blunt or rude, I want you to think of the unnecessary turmoil you are putting yourself through.
When we were young, we could not wait to be 21.
Now, as we age, we want to still look 21.
My suggestion to you is that you stop looking around at 21 year old girls on magazine covers and concentrate on you.
Ignore the status quo.
You don't want to be skinny? You don't have to be.
You feel you are beautiful just the way you are? Then live your life in integrity with you.
Stop trying to look like society believes is the perfect 40 year old.
We have been through enough; marriage, children, jobs, mortgages, life.
It is time to take care of ourselves and do what makes us feel good.
Exercise and proper nutrition is about staying healthy for as long as possible, not about a number on a scale.
We are what we think about.
Then stop thinking about weight and numbers, like cholesterol levels, sugar in the blood and all those other indicators.
Treat yourself well, eat the best quality food available, exercise regularly and once a year, go to the doctor and let him worry about the numbers.
I am not telling you to ignore the warning signs.
On the contrary, I am asking you to pay attention to them.
What do I mean by that? You know when you ate too much.
You feel bloated and fatigued.
You know when something does not feel right, it hurts.
If you can't run a mile, walk it.
If the grocery store is within walking distance of your house, buy yourself a shopping cart and walk to the store instead of using the car.
Look for any excuse to choose the healthy option.
It is already in you, you are just ignoring it out of convenience.
Try something new every once in a while, it will recharge your batteries.
Do something for yourself, like a manicure or a massage.
Live in the moment, stop thinking about the company deadline.
The deadline will be there when you get back to work.
I leave you with a simple exercise to start you on the way of living according to your truth.
Sit down in a quiet place with a pad and a pen.
Close your eyes, breathe deep, four or five times.
Make sure you have no distractions for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
Now, you just found out you have a year to live.
Write down everything you want to do in that year.
It could be as simple as learn how to cook without burning food and as complicated as going to Istanbul on vacation.
Let yourself go and see yourself doing those things.
Really enjoy the images that are created as you make your list.
My question to you is: why wait?

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