Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes - Facts and General Information

Diabetes is referred to a medical condition in which blood glucose concentration remains persistently higher than normal.
Under normal conditions, the hormone Insulin, produced in pancreas, helps absorption of glucose into the cells.
It also promotes the storage of excess blood sugar in the liver and muscles.
Glucagon, another of the pancreatic hormone, is responsible for controlling the release of glucose into the bloodstream from its various reservoirs.
This normal chain of events sometimes gets disrupted, resulting in unusual blood glucose levels.
One of the causes can be that the Insulin production may be hampered; another can be Insulin's inefficiency in eliciting a response from the necessary cells.
As a result, sugar unbalance occurs, and blood glucose fails to be converted into useful energy at optimum efficiency.
A host of other ailments are associated with Diabetes, including some heart diseases, stroke, damage to kidneys, eyes and damage to vital systems like blood circulation and nervous tissues.
Diabetes may be caused by several causes, and factors such as inheritance, life style and age.
Some of the symptoms include an unvarying fatigue, constant feeling of thirst, weight loss, muscle cramps, and vision defects.
If you feel some combination of the above mentioned symptoms, then you may consider being tested for Diabetes.
Diabetes Testing: Blood sugar test is used for diagnoses of diabetes.
However, the procedures may vary.
The test may require you to abstain from eating or drinking anything for about fourteen hours.
Or else, blood samples can be randomly taken at various times during a day, and matched for aberrance in sugar level.
Blood may also be analyzed at intervals for two hours after the patient has a glucose-rich drink.
Even though the procedure is simple, there is a chance of developing some complications.
Patients have reported experiencing fatigue and nausea after being tested, due to reactions with the hypodermic syringes, or the mere sight of blood.
Sometimes, testing can require multiple injections, which can be a problem.
Infection may also occur, though the chances are rare.
In case any complication arises, refer to your doctor with regards to it.
Blood sugar test is done by checking the sugar level of the blood, and so the results may get affected due to factors like diet prior to test; medications, specially oral contraceptives, some diuretics and certain steroids; recent medical history, such as a recent injury or surgery.
Such factors are taken into account while preparing a report.
Treatment for Diabetes: The treatment procedures differ for the two types of Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.
The aim is the same however: to maintain blood sugar at about normal levels.
Gestational Diabetes is a temporary sickness, and commonly occurs in pregnant women.
Routine tests are carried out for Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy.
After birth, the symptoms usually recess, but during pregnancy they need to be constantly monitored.
Diabetes Mellitus is a more serious and long-term form of diabetes.
It has two forms: Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 is a result of body's inability to synthesize Insulin, while Type 2 Diabetes is a condition in which the efficiency of Insulin action is reduced.
Diabetes Mellitus is incurable in its entirety.
However, it can be curtailed using a combination of medications, special diet and exercise.
Patients can lead a normal life; however, in case of Type 1 Diabetes, frequent Insulin injections are required.
Diabetes treatment includes: oSpecial low-fat, low-salt, and high carbohydrate diet oAvoiding sugary food and sweets oRegular exercise oMedications, like Insulin injections oConstant blood glucose monitoring

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