Having strong shoulders isn't just about looking good as you wear your sleeveless tops or dresses, it's about having functional strength that makes everyday activities easier to complete as well.
Your shoulders will be used for not only carrying heavy objects, but also for lifting any object overhead.
Therefore, focusing on developing strong shoulders while at the gym is a very wise move.
Let's look at the three best strength building moves you should be considering to whip your shoulders into top shape...
The Shoulder Press.
The first exercise to consider is naturally the basic shoulder press.
This is the king of shoulder moves as it will hit on not only your front deltoid, but you side deltoid as well.
To perform the shoulder press, simply bring a set of dumbbells to shoulder height level.
You can be standing or sitting - whichever you prefer.
From there, drive the weight directly over your head, being sure to never hyperextend your elbows.
Pause briefly and then lower the weight back down to complete the rep.
Continue on until all reps are completed.
The Lateral Raise.
Next you have the lateral raise.
This is a great isolation move that will hit just the front or side deltoid.
Simply hold a dumbbell in either hand, with hands down by your sides and in a standing position.
From there, lift the weight directly out to the side or front of the body until your arm is at a 90 degree angle with your shoulder.
Just then pause briefly and lower down in a slow and controlled manner.
Be sure to never swing the weights upward or you will place excess strain on your shoulder joint.
The Upright Row.
Last but not least, the upright row is another great option for hitting the lateral deltoid and will help give you that "capped" shoulder look.
To do this one, simply stand holding a set of dumbbells, one in either hand down in front of your body.
Once ready, slowly lift the dumbbells up directly to the front of your body until the elbows are about parallel to your shoulders.
Pause and then lower down to complete the rep.
So next time you're heading for the gym, make sure to include one of these exercises in your routine.
They can all also be performed right in the comfort of your own home instead if you prefer.
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