Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Pain Medical Reference

Back Pain Medical Reference

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Medical ReferenceRelated to Back Pain

  1. Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain

    Key pointsLow back pain is very common among adults and is often caused by overuse and muscle strain or injury. Treatment can help you stay as active as possible, and it will help you understand that some continued or repeated back pain is not surprising or dangerous.1Most low back pain can get better if you stay active, avoid positions and activities that may increase or cause back pain, use ...
  2. Back Problems: Proper Lifting

    No one is immune to back injury. Whether you have a strong back or have hurt your back before, it is well worth it to: Stop yourself before casually picking up a light or heavy load.Plan in your mind for the best way to lift what's in front of you. This could include enlisting help from one or more people.Lift and move slowly and carefully.The time you take to use the right lifting mechanics is ..
  3. Whiplash - Topic Overview

    Your doctor can learn a lot about what is causing low back pain or other symptoms by watching you as you move, and by doing simple tests. Here are some of the things your doctor may do to evaluate your low back pain:Observe how you move. Spasms of the muscles next to the spine can create pain with any of these tests.Walking. You walk while your doctor watches you for things like how you move and carry your body, and whether you limp or favor one leg as you walk. Your doctor may also watch to see how you sit down, lie down, and get up.Flexion. You bend forward and try to touch your toes. If bending forward causes pain, it may mean you have a disc problem.Extension. You hyperextend your back by bending backward. Pain that increases when bending backward (extending the spine) suggests degenerative changes, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis.Rotation and side bending. You rotate your back by keeping your hips still and turning your upper body from side to side to do a rotation test.
  4. Whiplash - Home Treatment

    Lumbar spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal that usually starts gradually and develops over a long period of time. This narrowing can squeeze and irritate the nerve roots that branch out from the spinal cord, or it can squeeze and irritate the
  5. Whiplash - Topic Overview

    What is a herniated disc? Learn what it is and what causes it.
  6. Opiate Pain Relievers for Spinal Stenosis

    Drug details for Opioids for spinal stenosis.
  7. Whiplash - Other Treatment

    Treatment other than surgery for scoliosis includes: Observation. In a child who is still growing, a spinal curve that is less than 25 degrees may require only regular checkups every 4 to 6 months to see whether the curve is getting worse. And wearing a b
  8. Whiplash - Home Treatment

    Learn about home treatments for herniated discs.
  9. Whiplash - Treatment Overview

    Learn about treatment for herniated disc.
  10. Whiplash - When To Call a Doctor

    Find out when to call a doctor about a herniated disc.

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