If you've ever been in this situation where you're afraid or ashamed to take off your socks in front of friends, family or strangers, you better start reading this article.
Because you and millions of others like you are in the same boat I was in not too long ago.
There is nothing sexy or exciting about showing off brittle, discolored toenails.
Thankfully, there is a natural toe nail fungus cure out there for you.
Back in the 70s, advertisers tried to figure out how to sell the public on an over-the-counter cream for foot fungus infections, they came up with a great term for a very embarrassing condition.
Because many of the young people who were infected got it from swimming pools, gymnasiums and public showers, the boys on Madison Avenue came up with the term "athlete's foot".
We have to contend with an un-sexy toenail fungus called onychomycosis.
This cousin of the athlete's foot fungus works its way under the toe nails.
As it grows, it begins to work under the nail bed.
The biggest problem is that you don't see it coming.
If you're a very active person like me, you're always on your feet.
Whether you're running or playing football; anything can cause a slight upturn of the nail plate.
Moisture in your shoes and socks can create a perfect breeding ground for this fungus.
Once it's under there, it's actually kept in place by the nail plate, making it doubly hard to detect or treat early.
Over time, you're getting thick, flaky nails.
Pretty soon you'll find that your toes are giving off a foul odor and you're constantly cleaning out under the nail.
When it gets really bad, the toe nail begins to develop discoloration.
Many times we try to avoid dealing with it as it gets worse.
We hide our feet in socks and try all sorts of homemade remedies.
It's easy to get caught up in the do-it-yourself attitude.
What happens if it gets worse? Natural Toe Nail Fungus Cures Many of the natural solutions to fixing fungal toe nails come at a time when the problem has gone too far.
You might find that Jojoba oil, works great for soothing your flaky skin and offering temporary relief because it's a natural moisturizer.
Almond oil relieves the itching as well as the dryness.
I've even tried crushed garlic rubbed into the toes and covered with light woolen socks for a few hours.
Some of these ideas did offer a temporary cure, while others were definitely not for me.
It may be too late to try a natural toe nail fungus cure depending on when you're able to attack the problem.
But there was one effective treatment that has proven to tackle this problem of toe nail fungus head-on and beat it.
I would know, because it worked wonders for me.
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