Hemorrhoids / Piles is the only health complication which arises out of lifestyle.
"Prevention is better than Cure" health cliche holds absolutely true for Piles.
If you think you are at the risk of having it, then it is very essential you avoid it at any cost by modifying your style of living.
The following bullets are listed to enable you to understand whether you are at the risk of having Piles and if not, then can be considered as ways to avoid it.
Diarrhea or Prone Constipation: Exerting too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal area causes hemorrhoids.
Normally, the tissue present in the anus fills with blood to control bowel movements.
Constipation makes one to strain to move stool which causes the veins in the tissue to swell and ultimately bursting resulting in bleeding.
Drinking lots of water and having a high fiber rich diet will alleviate the problem and can provide relief.
Heavy weight lifting: Too much of heavy lifting in the gym or lifting of heavy things at work can put pressure on the anal muscles which can cause hemorrhoids.
Improper lifting of weights not in accordance with one's body weight is often responsible for this trauma.
But hemorrhoids developed in this case can be easily dispensed off with by properly balancing the workouts with respect to weight lifting that you perform at the gym.
Obesity: Obesity is in fact a very grave problem as the life style exercised is not active.
It can put a lot of pressure to the pelvic muscles which is ultimately responsible for developing piles.
As the diet followed by the obese person may not be good and healthy, this in fact will pave way for hemorrhoids.
Proper exercise at least for some hours along with a high fiber diet is very much essential to prevent hemorrhoids in this case.
Pregnancy Piles during pregnancy is very much common as the baby can exert a lot of pressure to the anal and rectal muscles which causes the veins to swell ultimately leading to bleeding piles.
But this is not of alarming nature and after pregnancy this condition will go off, there is no need to visit a physician, use of laxatives will alleviate the problem.
But Women who suffer from Piles before pregnancy may also develop hemorrhoids when they are expecting.
Old age The intake of water decreases during old age which may result in constipation and ultimately piles.
Lack of exercise also results in piles during old age.
Also the veins in the anal and rectal area becomes weak during old age, and they are prone to swell.
On top of it all, the elderly are less active which can also cause piles.
Walking for an hour everyday and drinking lots of water will alone put a relief to this problem.
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