Home & Garden Green Living

Dehumidification Systems for Your Basement

Are you tired of damp, musty smells and odors in your basement? Did you know that the air in your basement can contaminate the air throughout your home? So, if the basement air is musty and full of allergens, you better believe the rest of your home's air has traces of those same issues.
Then it is time to say hello to the benefits of an allergen-free home, less humid space, and pure air.
This may seem like an impossible task to achieve, but it can be achieved with the carefully chosen basement and crawlspace air filtration and dehumidifier system.
Such a product will reduce homeowners' concerns about crawlspace air exchange or basement ventilation.
Basement and Crawl Space Odors Indoor air quality is important to most anyone, and when you constantly smell strange and unidentifiable things, you might begin to get a bit concerned and even frustrated.
If your basement or crawl space has some musty and just downright grimy smells, you may have yourself a mold problem.
When mold and mildew enter your home it is highly likely you will be burdened by nasty, musty smells and odors.
By simply eliminating the mildew and mold, you will eliminate much of the musty smells and odors.
Mildew and molds are fungi that thrive in damp, wet or moist conditions, so experts highly recommended keeping your home's relative humidity near or below 50%.
Dehumidification is the key factor in eliminating musty smells and odors caused by mildew and mold.
However, never ignore or overlook outside spigots, gutters and plumbing problems such as drips or leaks.
In doing so, you're preventing some typical causes of mold issues.
Dehumidification Used to Fight Home Allergens A dehumidification system is a great option for any homeowner who wants to enjoy an allergen-free living space, pure air and less humidity.
Because your home is clean doesn't mean the air in your home is pure.
Many times homeowners are exhausting themselves re-cleaning and not eliminating the source.
In doing so, you're actually wasting your time and energy and creating more work for yourself.
If you or someone in your home is still experiencing allergy issues, even after you've cleaned-this might indicate a need for a dehumidifier.
Dust mites are the number one cause of indoor allergic reactions.
With that being said, everyone wants to get rid of dust mites, but is it even possible to do that? Yes! The key factor to ridding your home of the pesky little critters is to lower the relative humidity near or below 50%.
By simply reducing the humidity, you are claiming the dust mites' water supply that they absorb from the moist air.
If there isn't any moisture in the air, the dust mites are no more.
In the same way, you can also reduce or in some cases even eliminate mold growth.
Energy Efficient Dehumidifier The SaniDry? is an example of an ENERGY STAR rated high-capacity, high-efficiency dehumidification system and air filtration in one single unit.
Each day, such a product removes approximately 100 pints of water out of the air in your basement, using the same amount of energy as a 40-pint dehumidifier.
The SaniDry system in particular, is designed to filter particles out of the air supply as small as less than two microns in size, which is smaller than mold spores or dust mite droppings.
Here's the key to any good dehumidification system: a powerful blower to circulate dry air throughout your entire basement.
This allows new dry air to dry the contents and building materials, which forces the dampness out of your basement.
This sort of system makes a huge difference in a short amount of time.
Homeowners love their dry, odor free basements-it's a unanimous response.

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