You have read everything thing available about real estate investing.
You have spend countless hours visiting the real estate investing forums.
You have invested thousands in real estate investing courses.
Now what?Are you doomed to the same destiny of most information junkies?Are you going to become the divorced marriage counselor?The counselor who knows all about how to save marriages but could not save their own.
So what will determine your success?Honestly it is pretty simple, so simple that it can be summed up in one word action.
Taking action is what separates the men from the boys on the playground we call life.
So what constitutes action?By my definition, action involves any movement in the direction of you goal or purpose on a visible plane.
Now your thinking "Visible plane?".
By visible plane I mean doing something that can be seen, rather than simply thought.
Thinking is great but without action, thinking will take you no where.
A simple way to remember the power of action is to use the word ACT.
Action Compensates Tremendously Action compensates tremendously, do you see the power in that?Taking action in any direction is truly the only way that you can ever get closer to reaching your goals in life.
Even action that is completely wrong teaches you a lesson that could not have been learned by simply thinking.
When Albert Einstein was asked about his thousands of scientific failures, he simply said that he successfully found thousands of ways not to do something.
Each perceived failure moved him one step closer to success.
Without action none of the failures would have happened, but neither would his success.
The only sure way to never succeed in as a real estate investor is to do nothing at all.
Show me a man who went bankrupt while trying to become an investor and I see potential.
Show me a man who has knows it all, but has done nothing and I see a fat dietitian.
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