The causes of sleep bruxism are difficult to determine and in fact never have been.
It is believed that the condition is brought on when a person suffers from a high degree of stress and anxiety.
In order to determine the best way to remedy the grinding activity during the night there are devices known as biofeedback equipment.
When these are used they provide data to the user allowing them to determine when their grinding is worse and the nights that seem to be better with little to no sleep bruxism episodes.
From previous users that have used biofeedback devices they have reported that the times when the teeth grinding activity was spiked was after they had experienced a stressful day.
Relating to the stress factor there have been reports also that people that are in highly stressed professions are more prone to display symptoms of sleep bruxism.
Shift patterns are also a common denominator.
By determining the factors that contribute to a persons condition they will be in a better placement to be able to conquer this habitual condition.
Other causes of sleep bruxism are associated with dietary issues.
Believe or not but some simple diet changes can provide relief from pain.
There are diet supplements that can be taken as well as nutrients that will help strengthen the TMJ muscle which is where the pain is usually centralized around the facial area.
Once the TMJ muscle has that extra strength it is then an idea to perform some simple mouth exercises that will help alleviate the pain altogether.
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