A lot of people are getting hooked in having a backyard coop, even city dwellers are getting interested.
Others really want to have a coop so bad but they just don't know how to work with a coop in the city.
First you have to deal with the limited amount of space that you have and second you have to find out about certain laws or rules in your area regarding urban chicken coop.
Since the first thing you have to deal with is limited space, obviously you are stuck with a smaller sized chicken house.
Don't bother looking at palatial coops anymore because you really need huge space in your yard if you're thinking of having one.
An urban chicken coop is usually small.
Always remember that you can never have too many chickens in a small coop.
You probably only need 3 to 5 chickens.
Make sure you have enough room to still create a chicken run.
Your chickens' safety is very important.
Another problem that you might encounter with an urban chicken coop is the exact location where you will place it.
Chickens need a lot of sunlight to survive, grow and lay eggs and you have to position the coop where it will get a lot of sunlight.
If you only have one vacant spot in your backyard but it doesn't get a lot of sunlight then consider investing on good artificial lighting.
Look for chicken pen designs that are best suited for urban living.
It's always better to make your own chicken house and build it according to your needs than spend your money on expensive pre built chicken coops.
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