Many people ask about the link between Pitocin and autism. Pitocin is an artificial hormone that is given to pregnant women to speed up labor. Pitocin which is a synthetic source or the natural hormone oxytocin was found in 1953 and has been used since 1955. It's manufactured from the pituitary extract of various animals, and combined with acetic acid for pH adjustment and less than one percent of chloretone as a preservative.
In recent years, there is reported that autism disorder number is increasing. One of the reasons is the using of pitocin to induce labor. But there is still not strong enough evidence to proof it. It still needs some deep researches to explore this growing health problem.
However, the using of pitocin is needed for pregnant women with high blood pressure. This artificial hormone decreases the risk for the mother and her baby. Pitocin help to maintain the condition of the woman wheter the hypertension cannot be controlled with drugs or bedrest.
Another situation in which the risks of Pitocin use are outweighed by the benefits, may be when a woman's labour trajectory shows weakening contractions, possibly with increasing periods of time between contractions. Some causes of failure to progress or stalled labour are common and can be treated, but if these methods are not successful and labour continues to stall over a period of time, Pitocin can be exactly the treatment needed to increase the strength and frequency of contractions, and facilitate delivery a healthy baby and result in a healthy woman.
While not all women and their babies are harmed by the use of pitocin, there are natural ways to coax labor that are rather effective and have no potential risks. Labor is a complex physiological function that begins with the harmonious synchronicity of the fetus, mother and placenta. Any intervention of these essential participants offsets the balance and rhythm of labor. Babies, like fruit, ripen in their own time. The best way to promote a healthy pregnancy, labor and birth is to let the forces of nature work at their own pace.
Visit here : Ways to Induce Labor on Your Own
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