Technology Software

Traditional software: web services

Judging only by some, obviously overly optimistic forecasts, and especially the fast pace of web development services, should the latter have now completely dominate in the provision of software solutions for personal computers. But the reality is quite different, as in the absolute share of traditional programs, like this thick clients are still far dominated as a form of delivery and method of implementing a solution for users. Even so, we can safely say that web services and web apps today still simply complement to traditional programs, which are implemented on personal computers.

They have been in this situation quite compelling technological reason. Web technologies have been quite restrictive, the Internet communications bandwidth limit was for more serious intervention in the sphere of traditional programs. But today the online technologies are very advanced, as well as communication in reality is no longer separate factor. Modern principles of software and interfaces, such as AJAX, Java,. NET, Flash, and other Slivelight, allow the creation of Web services, which are normal force similar program, both in appearance and mode of use. A beautiful proof of the online services that allow even video editing, which is due to the dissipation process until recently only in the domain of local software.

But truth be told, all these web services earlier demonstrations of what is possible, or, as already mentioned, supplements traditional programs, but not a serious competition. Most of the online equivalents of traditional programs, for example, display a far more modest, often very restrictive, according to the capabilities of classical programs. Some will say that this is not necessarily bad, since modern programs such as the Office productivity suite, as well as such advanced programs, such as, for example, Adobe Photoshop, has too many features, from which a typical user uses only a small proportion. But the truth is that we in computer programs always attracted to novelty, new capabilities. Otherwise he would have stopped looking for a "new versions" of programs, since many of the basic needs to start acting now with Microsoft Word 98, it does not go further in history. Web services there will not be an exception.

To support its contention that traditional software will not just disappear at the expense of online services is to look at another aspect. Web services generally achieve great success in the field of real personal consumption of computers for entertainment, especially where they are offered free of charge. On the other hand, have not yet met anyone who would office suite ( commercial or open source ) finally change for online office, as, for example, Google Docs & Spreadsheets. Somewhat more successful services in e-mail, and here I do not know large companies that their mail servers just replace the free postal service. Although the calculation can be shown that the cost of ownership through Web Services in all probability is lower.

The key reason for the limited impact of the current web services, especially in business, is to control the data. Most online programs and services somehow implies that the user data somewhere in the servers where we have no direct impact on the security, confidentiality, access control. These are factors that may be in first place when it comes to critical data, which businesses operate. Here we all are, especially businesses, more traditionalists than you even recognize yourself. The situation is indeed gradually changing, but it will continue to be relatively slow.

Despite all the arguments is silly to claim that web solutions are not possible. On the contrary, in front of them is a beautiful future. But traditional software will be with us for a long time, probably in some form forever. Finally, always be exceptions when the local implementation of convenient, faster, cheaper. Computer industry there is still a living from traditional programs - from producers through the processor graphics card to drive. How much of it would need if it only switched to online services? So welcome to the world of a mixture of traditional and new.

Uros Mesojedec: Why the Future programs will only set of online services

In addition to Moore's Law in computing in recent years mainly observed effect Metcalfovega Act. This, in simplified form says that the computer's usefulness increases with the square of interconnected devices. What does traditional software? The ossified does this code assume that the entire computer just to ourselves and to the world communicate through the transmission of data volumes or not at all? Or care about it a little more advanced solutions client / server, which uses a local area network? Or is it now "traditional" program already or otherwise dependent on the internet?

The most widely used pieces of software code, operating system Windows without Internet hard work as it is without regular updating very quickly seriously compromised. Of course, Windows is far from being a set of Web services, but some of them were already critical. It is no different in other popular software that is at least based on updates to the web. More and more, it is useful solutions that can be fully used through a web browser. A program that recognizes and exploits network for its operation, is simply useful. Significantly.

But we should not imagine that the web browser that the only window to the world, through which we will use in future programming products. All modern architecture building efficient software solutions based on the distribution. While not necessarily sharing software solution covering multiple devices, but it can be fundamentally and increasingly exploited. Today is the most striking example Stratified solutions user interface in a web browser, application server somewhere in the "cloud" and secure data server in the background, taking care of the most critical component of any serious solutions. But web services can be used in a number of ways. Any more at home on our mobile devices, many such services already used the phone in the office, but do not even know, network services come in modern entertainment products and consumer electronics, automobiles and more.

Desktop computer, which is a vision realized Microsoft really came on almost every desktop, in this entire story seems like a coarse relic of the past. Really it's almost unlimited flexibility allows that even a successful final link in the use of online services, but with the expansion of supply of affordable and highly effective solution in the "cloud", its role, especially in companies, will require careful consideration. It is simply too expensive to maintain, if you zaprežemo solely for the use of web services. Even in one of the main complaints online services - data security, it turns out that they are much more protected in a fair provider. That's why we keep money in banks and not the socks!

Also, due to inefficiency of 'traditional' model of computing are turning huge amounts of money and it is here that shows some of the strongest motive big players in the computer industry, which in the current model is best to use, so a strong disincentive to hike the new model uses the software. However, the increasing prevalence of širikopasovnih and wireless connections, and many are still skyrocketing number of providers of innovative online services ensure that in the future we will work only online, but all of us will actually seamlessly.

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