The combination of two Latin words, acus and pungere, meaning needle and puncture respectively, has generated the word - acupuncture.
As per the medical science of China, it is the way to treat sickness and to numb body parts locally.
The treatment is mainly done by inserting the needles at some particular places of the human body; however there are other processes as well.
In Chinese language it is known as Chen Chiu.
For completing my research on acupuncture, mostly I have relied upon the information collected from internet, although I have used other sources also.
One of them is an acupuncture clinic located in the city of Houston.
After talking to them over phone, I recognized that this method of treatment is also quite popular in United States.
Using acupuncture, a large variety of medical complications can be solved.
These illnesses could be anything like respiratory problem, visionary problem, digestive problems, neurological problem, muscular problem or problems with ear, nose and throat.
In this painless treatment, the needles are inserted maximum to an inch depth at certain points of the skin.
At most a person can feel mild pain while inserting these disposable needles.
Other than the needles, electronic stimulation, moxibustion, magnetotherapy, cupping and massage are used for treatment.
Throughout the world, you will find various methods of performing acupuncture.
You should be very careful to choose your acupuncturist, as many of them do not have legal certification.
In United States, almost half the states have legalized this method of treatment.
You might require visiting the clinic for a single seating or for multiple, depending upon the acuteness of your health problem.
You must remain in a relaxing position to receive the treatment.
Your first seating might cure a majority of your problem, however sometimes as a rebound effect of the treatment your complication might even increase, too.
The clinic of Houston has specialist Acupuncturist in dealing with diseases like arthritis, migraine headaches, reduction of weight, post-stroke, acute pain, pain in the lower back portion, M.
, smoking addiction and facelifts.
Duong Hoang (M.
), C.
is the certified doctor of the clinic.
You will require going through a thorough check-up before you are ready for the acupuncture treatment.
Depending upon the treatment type, the fee will vary.
After completing my research I got to know about the popularity of this method of treatment.
Acupuncture is a common practice in Canada, whereas in United States it is picking up the pace.
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