There are two different types of hemorrhoids, an internal hemorrhoid and an external hemorrhoid.
An internal hemorrhoid is found inside the anus and usually are painless.
The most common symptom of an internal hemorrhoid is blood in the stool.
Hemorrhoids are categorized by degrees and the internal form is the first degree.
The first degree of an internal hemorrhoid is a painless one that cannot be seen and may cause bleeding.
If you have the first degree then you should start treating it right away.
However, because the symptoms are difficult to detect, those that suffer from first degree typically wind up prolapsing.
This brings us to the second degree which means, during constipation, straining will causes the internal hemorrhoid to come outside and then retract.
The third degree means that the hemorrhoid remains outside unless physically inserted back into the rectum.
The four degree is the final and worst stage meaning the hemorrhoid remains on the outside even after attempts to physically insert it.
How does one get an internal hemorrhoid? There are veins and tissues that are inside the rectum and when the muscles and tissues in the rectum and anus become strained, a hemorrhoid is formed.
If a person doesn't have enough fiber in their diet, doesn't take fiber supplements or doesn't drink enough water, their stools become hard and impassable.
From this constipation comes stress and strain on the muscles that control the anus.
When a person is constipated they fail to have enough bowel movements to clear their digested food and the stool becomes even more hard making it almost impossible or painful to pass.
When people don't use the bathroom for a bowel movement frequent enough, this also can cause hemorrhoids or lead to constipation which often results in hemorrhoids.
Pregnancy or hard labor has similar effects.
The pushing and straining on the area for the latter months of the pregnancy right up to child birth can cause the tissues in the rectum to swell.
Typically a hemorrhoid cannot be seen because it remains inside the rectum.
The only signs of having an internal hemorrhoid is the burning, itching or bleeding.
Once the internal form becomes a second or third degree hemorrhoid, it becomes external.
External hemorrhoids require a slightly different approach for handling the symptoms, like a surgery to remove the unsightly bump.