Home & Garden Green Living

Rain Barrels - The New And Old Way Of Watering Your Garden

One of the ways to help Mother Nature is by conserving water with rain barrels.
This water could be use for your gardening needs.
Research has shown that in America, 20% of household water is used for gardening needs alone.
This is a waste especially if you can recycle the free rain water using a rain barrel system.
In most areas in America, before a drought there is usually a period of time where you will encounter heavy rainfall.
This is usually the best time where you use your barrels to collect the rain water, with this you will be able to save a lot on water bills as you can used the water collected purely for your gardening needs.
With this you will be doing your part to save the earth.
If you are keen on conserving rain water, but do not want to invest too much on it, you can actually make your own barrel catcher.
A simple way would be to use a large garbage can or you can run to your nearest Home Depot and purchase 55 gallons of plastic drums.
With this, you can start collecting rain water, but remember to put in a screen filter on top to filter debris that might drop in.
The best place to place your rain catcher is near the corner of your house.
To identify a strategic place, you need to go outside during raining time and observe and you will usually see a corner where the rain water pouring down is more than the others.
This will be a strategic place to place your barrels.
Another good place will be to place them under your gutter system whereby water flows from the roof to the drain.
With the water collected, you can attach them to your sprinkler and used them for your gardening needs.
Collecting rain water using this barrel system for gardening is not a new idea.
It has been used centuries ago, it is just that with technology and tap water people forget the time where clean water is scarce.
Now as we are more on the green concept, let us help mother earth by conserving water for gardening using barrels system.

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