Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Is Iran Pushing the Limits of The West"s Patience Going Into 2013?

It seems as if during the vice presidential debates in mid-October 2012 we were reassured by Vice President Joe Biden that the Obama Administration had everything under control when came to Iran.
We were told that Iran did not have enough nuclear material to make a bomb, nor did they have the capacity to deliver it, or even develop a triggering device even if they had enough enriched uranium.
Personally, as a studier of history and nuclear proliferation I disagree.
Developing a triggering device is not so difficult that the Iranian scientists couldn't figure out.
Further, many of their trading partners for oil already have such technology, and therefore it is readily available.
I'm not sure if you can find the schematic on how to create a nuclear triggering device, or the actual blueprints online, but I bet it wouldn't take very long to figure it out.
Additionally, there's more than one way to skin a cat, and there are several ways to make these triggering devices.
Another point of contention of course was the actual vehicle to put the nuclear warhead on, such as an ICBM.
Iran has purchased missiles from China, and it also has large rockets to shoot satellites into space.
It shouldn't surprise anyone that those are dual use technologies, and if they are able to shoot a rocket into space, or even halfway there, they should be able to build a rocket which can hit target thousands miles away.
Iran has already demonstrated that it can fire a radar guided missile and hit a ship.
They did this during the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict a few years back.
The Wall Street Journal noted on November 17, 2012 "Iran Set to Double Fuel Work" by Jay Soloman which seems to refute just about everything that the Obama Administration had led us to believe during the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates of October 2012.
The New York Times on the same day put out a piece titled; "Iran Complex Is Said to Reach to Capacity" by David E.
It appears that the American people may not have got the full skinny on all these facts, and that Vice President Joe Biden was either holding back information purposely because it was misdirection, or that he might give away CIA intelligence, or military intelligence.
Nevertheless, the thought that Iran could not put together a nuclear weapon is silly, of course they can.
The longer we wait, the more we are playing with fire, and someday we may look back in hindsight and realize what a terrible mistake we made by assuming that sanctions would bring down the Iranian regime and put an end to their uranium enrichment program.
That's not likely.
If anything, they are speeding up the process, and that's what all the intelligence right now is pointing to, so I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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