Home & Garden Green Living

Green Basement Finishing Solution

Green basement finishing is a bit revolutionary.
In fact, it's quite revolutionary.
With the diverse product selection, accommodating warranties and energy efficiency-- a green basement is a comprehensive home improvement well worth the investment.
Insulation Basement insulation is a major factor in the success of basement energy efficiency.
Unknowingly, many homeowners could be throwing a lot of their money out the window and the utility companies are outside picking up the wasted cash.
No one wants to waste money, and with insulation a homeowner will certainly not be wasting money.
According to the Department of Energy a homeowner can save up to 30 percent on home energy bills once the exterior walls, attic, ceilings, basement walls, floors, and crawlspaces are appropriately insulated.
The best way to insulate a basement is by following the advice of the experts in your area about how much insulation and what kind of insulation is necessary.
When making this decision, you should consider the R-value and the different kinds of insulation.
R-Value This measurement can be perceived in two perspectives-- the overall and per inch.
The overall/total R-value indicates the amount of total insulation.
It can also describe a building's total insulation value.
As for the R-value per inch, it can be gathered by considering the material being used and the thickness.
Once the R-value has been discovered a homeowner understands how well the insulation transfers heat.
So, if insulation has a high R-value this means that it has a high resistance and a high insulation value.
Overall, a colder climate usually requires more insulation.
According to the Department of Energy, moisture control can also have a large influence in a home's energy efficiency, which is precisely why organic materials should be avoided when finishing a basement.
Moisture A basement has become known to have moisture and mold issues.
But, this doesn't have to be the case for all basements.
However, with a green basement in the works, moisture control must be considered.
Organic materials are prime targets for mold growth because mold feeds upon such materials-- wood and paper for example.
The best kind of moisture control in a basement is basement waterproofing and the absence of organic materials.
Thus, when the insulation is installed make sure it's been installed without wood, metal framing or studs.

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