Everybody, including those who can hardly save anything, can devise a plan to change their financial situation.
Sticking to this plan may not be easy, and there is chance you will not see any results for a time.
But if you envisage and write down a plan about improving your financial situation, your mind will focus more easily on the possibilities and choices that are harder to see when all your concern is getting by your next paycheck.
There are a few main elements about a financial plan.
First, you must imagine the life you want to live in five or ten years.
This will motivate you to do everything you can do to get closer to that goal.
The second issue is managing your debt.
The debts that build value to you are good; the debts that don't add anything to the value of your life and make you overpay, are bad.
You will have to get rid of the bad debts and take steps that will help you stay away from them.
Finally, you should start a savings plan.
It doesn't matter how small you can save, every cent counts.
Without financial reserves, there is good chance you will fall back into harmful debt if some unexpected expenditure comes up.
Without saving there is no way you can take advantage of well-known opportunities to grow your money, like starting your own business, or investing into stock market or real estate.
A successful financial plan focuses on the things you can do to improve your situation, and takes into account at a lesser extent the things that happen on the Wall Street.
There are infinite ways to create wealth: you can invest, build expertize in a certain area, provide a service or you can invent something.
Some say winning or marrying money are also ways to get rich, but this is not true: the people who did their fortune took the control in their own hands, rather than relying on outside forces.
There are few questions to ask before you set on your journey towards your goals: will you make enough money to cover your basic expenses and make some profit? Will you enjoy the activity you choose? Keep in mind this is something you will be doing for a few years, maybe your whole lifetime, so if you hate it on the first day, it probably won't work out.
You should also be honest about your talents and skills: you can't be a successful accountant if you are really poor at math.
Of course, there are few things that can't be learned, but this will take a lot of time, so achieving your goals may be postponed.
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