If you are somebody who is interested in making money with eBooks, then you really need to stop and think about what it is that you are doing on a daily basis to help get you closer to realizing your goal.
Do you know what you do on a day-to-day basis? A lot of people think that they are busy anytime they are sitting in front of the computer.
If you're honest with yourself, you probably know that's not true.
In other words, a lot of the time they spend in front of the computer is not necessarily devoted to productive activities that will help you reach your goal of becoming a successful eBook publisher.
What you really need to start thinking about doing is establishing systems within your life that will enable you to do all the work you need to do on a computer and then shut it off.
In other words, the goal was to get away from the computer.
Think about it.
The reason why most people are interested in starting eBook publishing businesses is because they want to have more freedom in their life.
Do you call sitting in front of the computer for 15 hours a day freedom? Don't make the mistake that so many other people make which is to tell yourself that you simply need to work harder by spending more time behind the computer.
The goal is to make more money with eBooks without having to spend all of your free time by the computer.
How do you do it? You need to have a clearly defined daily schedule of activities that will enable you to focus on what needs to get done, which then lets you then get away from the computer as quickly as you can.
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