Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Should You Go For Breast Augmentation?

Breast surgeries like implant, enhancement, and reduction are no doubt becoming successful. Not only the technology & treatment is getting advanced but the cosmetic surgeons have also become more experienced & skilled. However, still it is said to consult the surgeon before going for breast augmentation or any other surgery. Yes, it is safe to consult the surgeon, because then one can get to know about his particular body type & its adaptation of the surgical procedures.

Before you decide about the treatment, it would be better if you look at certain important factors & then make the decision:

* Breast augmentation won't give lifelong satisfaction:

To enhance the breast, surgeons go for implants. You should know that these implants wouldn't be there with you till the end of your life. After a particular time, they would break and if not, then there is again risk of some serious complication, so ultimately you'll have to get them removed.

* Common complications:

With breast implants, there is a possibility of certain complications, like capsular contracture, reoperation, implant removal, and implant's rupture or deflation. There are certain other complications as well, like wrinkling, asymmetry, scarring, pain, and infection. Also, once you get for implants, you would have to go for another surgery, i.e., for its removal.

* Once it is done, there are very rare chances of irreversibility

In case, you are not content with the results of the implants, there would be very less chances of getting them reverse. So, give a thorough thought before going for the surgery. Also, once you go for implants, then after a particular time, instead of removal you'll have to go for replacement, otherwise, you may experience certain change in your natural breast like wrinkling, dimpling, puckering, breast tissue loss and other undesirable cosmetic changes.

* The process of monitoring breasts

After your breast surgery, it is necessary that you continuously monitor the breasts for any changes for the rest of the life. For any abnormal changes, you need to consult your physician or surgeon immediately.

* Certain regular examinations

Specially in the case of silicone gel filled implants, it is important to get periodic MRI examinations to keep a check upon any rupture in the implants. This MRI examination is costly and you would have to go for it 3 years after the surgery & then after every two years.

* Chances of cancer:

Although its rare, but a certain type of cancer- anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) might occur. This cancer occurs in the breast tissue surrounding the implant. For its treatment, chemotherapy & radiation therapy is done.

Well this was another side of breast implants that you should consider before deciding whether you should go for the treatment or not.

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