The spectrum of colors that goldfish come in ranges from white to yellow-orange to blue to black.
Among these colors, white goldfish seem to be one of the most striking and unique.
The white skin color of this type of goldfish is a result of the lack of skin pigmentation.
Ryukin, comet, and oranda goldfish are the species that may often be found to have white bodies.
White goldfish make great pets as long as you're willing to give them proper care.
Selecting a fitting tank is the first step in taking care of your white goldfish.
A tank suitable for a single goldfish will be able to hold at least 10 gallons of water.
The popular bowl-type tanks are definitely not suitable for your white goldfish, as these offer such a limited living space.
Purchasing a large tank will be very beneficial to your goldfish's overall wellbeing.
Supplying your goldfish with high quality water - that is, water that is clean and well oxygenated - is another important part of goldfish care.
Quality tank water can be achieved by changing your goldfish's water at least once a month and by using an air pump or air stone to increase the level of oxygen diffusion in the water.
In terms of feeding, you can give your white goldfish pellets, fish flakes, and even some vegetables, like romaine lettuce.
A good balance and variation of food will contribute to the health of your goldfish.
If you plan to feed your goldfish pellets, be sure to soak the pellets in water before you give them to your fish.
Soaking the pellets for about 10 minutes should do the trick.
Doing so will actually help minimize the chances of your fish getting the swimbladder goldfish disease.
Unknown to many, the skin color of white goldfish may actually change over time.
Hence, do not be alarmed if you see that your goldfish's skin is beginning to discolor.
There are cases, for instance, where white goldfish acquire black spots on their bodies after they grow to be three inches in length.
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