I remember those sad days
Life with lots pf problems on the way
No cheers but question of life and death
Fight for square meals a day and unable to breathe
Mother used to put me at her back
As everything was at stake
Life for child remained a source of concern
The future was to be changed in turn
I remember her working at farm
Soil to dig when sun wan not warm
Work to start when breeze still on surface
No worry lines to appear on the face
She was not only bold but assertive too
Life was meant to be challenge and felt as true
Work hard or get nothing in return
Energy in body to be burnt in turn
Tears have no place to fall on the ground
It is lovely, beautiful and laborious round
"I won't die my lovely child" she may murmur
Make me laugh and tease with humor
How can be life harder than this?
If some one doesn't get it then it is surely a miss
We don't die or perish as a result of hard labor
The ship has to be taken at the berth of harbor
God only knows how many years it may take?
But surely it will be long drawn yeas to make
Life then will be put on right track
You may look back a past with no feelings of an ache
I don't know where from that urge comes
To fight the situation and smilingly welcome
Not to get discouraged if means are meager
Slowly it builds and makes man perfect and stronger
Leave not behind any such regret
You were not meant to suffer such fate
If one has time on his or her side
There is no need to lament or search for guide
Hard work has no parallel
One has to try hard and excel
If nothing goes in favor or well
Try not to reveal it to others or tell
It may not remain for uncertain days
By the time you may sure find the ways
You may attain position to make the sway
See nothing is left out or given away
No doubt life can't be equal for all
One has to quickly adjust and respond to call
If something is missing or not available
It must be got with whatever situation favorable
You can't sit and think idle
Must think to come out from troubles
If that is done successfully
Life will be enjoyed fully
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