Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Aquarius 2013 Horoscope Forecast

Uranus is making a trine which is beneficial aspect to your Sun this year, and Jupiter is in a good aspect for the first six months of the year.
This points to a year of fantastic ideas, new and unexpected opportunities coming from the unlikeliest places and the completion of important projects.
However, Saturn is in a challenging aspect to you from 2014 which will signify the end of a phase of your life and the need to start preparing yourself for a new direction over the next 7 years.
This year looks exciting and fun.
Work and Money You will be full of wonderful ideas now but you may also experience delays and setbacks to putting these ideas into reality.
You are raring to go but you may feel as though your life is on hold and that you cannot move forward as quickly as you would like to.
You may find it hard to close a deal.
Ask yourself what you think is holding you back.
Could it be your health? Do you have enough energy to put into something new? Is it that you don't have the confidence to reach out to new people and to follow through with the opportunities when the doors start to open? Make sure you are focused on your strengths and be aware of your weaknesses and work hard to overcome them.
For example, maybe you are procrastinating.
You have good intentions, you know what needs to be done, but you don't always do it consistently.
You have a tendency to procrastinate.
You do have the talent and the ability to be very successful this year.
Offers and opportunities will come your way.
What will you do with these opportunities? Will you grab them with both hands and do whatever it takes to make them succeed? Or do you give up too easily when the going gets a little tough? You need to follow through on whatever commitments you make.
If you don't, you will be blocked and you won't be making the best of these good aspects for this year.
If you have a job you may feel that you are no longer excited by the work any more.
You may have been passed over by someone else and you are upset about that.
You may feel that you need to look for another job.
The good news is that if you look hard enough, you will find another job, or a new role within your existing job.
Anything involving new technology, communications, computers, education, astrology, the esoteric field in general, media, film, are all good areas for you this year.
The first half of the year is good for trading and investing.
However, the markets are going to be very volatile this year and your emotional temperament may not be ready for the pressures of the market.
If you are able to devote enough time and energy to trading and to do serious research, then this can be a good year for you.
If you are not able to do this, then steer clear and save yourself from sustaining losses.
Good times for business activities and new opportunities are from the end of May until mid-July and from the beginning of December to the end of the year.
Try to steer clear of confrontations from April 20th until the end of May and from the end of August until mid-October.
Between January and mid-February is a wonderful time for beginning new projects.
Relationships Your social life will be particularly good during the first half of the year.
This will be a good year generally for your popularity and for your relationships.
It also is favourable for romance.
You are enjoying yourself and if you have children, they will a source of pleasure for you as well.
Take advantage of this and make sure that you take time out of work to enjoy your friends and people who are important to you.
Work and other responsibilities could be quite heavy for many of you and you will need to make a concerted effort to energise your relationships.
Some of you may be in a relationship that no longer excites you and maybe there is someone else on the horizon who does excite you.
This could be a difficult situation especially if you want to leave your existing partner and move into a new relationship with someone you don't know very well.
Remember to be honest.
Generally you are honest, but your weakness is that you may try to live both lives and delay discussing the situation with both partners.
The more you delay the harder it will get, so do it sooner rather than later.
This is a good year for starting a new romance.
Just make sure that the person is available and that they are not married, or still in another relationship that hasn't quite ended.
You are vulnerable to being taken in, so go slowly and make sure you have studied the person well enough and seen them both on their good and bad days before you open up your heart.
Your best times for love and romance are the month of February, May 9th to the beginning of June and from mid-August until September 13th.

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