The invention of converting solar radiation into usable heat or electric energy has revolutionized our modern society. Today, more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of using solar power as opposed to traditional sources such as coal, oil and water. These resources are said to be depleting, while the energy from the sun would last for as long as the sun lasts, which is probably a few hundred million years. Solar power companies are coming up with new concepts on furthering the use of the sun's energy in all kinds of ways, from the simplest to the most complex.
Aside from saving the environment, solar power devices save money. By relying on the sun for energy, you decrease your overall expenditure on utility bills, batteries, domestic and commercial LED lights, and so on. Solar flashlights and pond lights are a couple of great examples of why and how solar power is a highly beneficial.
How Solar Flashlights Operate
Solar flashlights don't look much different to a conventional flashlight; they are also operated by using the on/off switch. A solar-driven flashlight lights by using electric energy that is converted from the sun's radiation. This conversion takes place inside a solar photovoltaic panel or cell that is located on the outside of the gadget; a battery then stores this converted energy.
Generally, solar flashlights use light emitting diode or LED lamps instead of traditional filament light bulbs. This is because LED lamps use a comparatively smaller amount of electric current to operate, and are more durable. For instance, if a filament light bulb lasts for about 1000 hours, an LED lamp lasts for 100 times more.
Likewise, regular lithium, nickel or cadmium batteries that are heavily used require frequent replacement, while the solar powered batteries used for the same duration require replacement once in about 2 to 3 years. This is because once the batteries run out, you can simply recharge them using the free radiation energy from the sun.
How Solar Pond Lights Work
Solar pond lights function using the same technique as the solar flashlight. The energy from the sun is converted to electric energy, which is stored in a cell. When the night falls, the LED lights automatically switch on and remain lit until dawn. The pond LED lights live for 100, 000 hours on average. Solar pond lights come in various shapes and sizes as well as lights that change colors, enhancing the ambience of your pool and garden. Unlike conventional pond lamps, those powered by the sun are extremely safe around water.
Economical And Green Benefits
Clearly, solar-powered appliances are the most economical as well as eco-friendly options around. You don't have to spend money regularly on buying regular batteries for flashlights while disposing the old ones in the dumpster. Doing so is hazardous to the environment because of possible leakage of chemicals from the batteries or explosions in some cases. Moreover, you can have your pond beautifully lit all night without having pay heavily for the electricity. Solar power companies continue to engineer devices that will give us a safe lifestyle