Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Glossary Term: Brachycephalic


The origin of the word brachycephalic is from Greek. Brachy- means "short" and -cephalic (kephalikos) means "head."

In terms of dogs and cats, we usually say "short-nosed," since these are the squished-face breeds: Pugs, Persians, Boston Terriers, Himalayans, Pekingese, Shih Tzus and so on.

Because of their anatomy, these breeds may suffer from breathing difficulties and be more prone to heat-related problems such as heatstroke.

Take extra care with these breeds in hot weather, when exercising, and under times of stress, such as traveling. If excited or stressed, they may encounter breathing problems. Please see your veterinarian to discuss any special needs or situations to watch out for if you have a brachycephalic pet.

Photo: Hamish the Persian Cat by AmbHaims on Flickr

Pronunciation: Brake-ee-sef-al-ick

Also Known As: Short-nosed

Examples: Because of their nose and airway anatomy, brachycephalic dogs, such as French Bulldogs, are more at risk for heatstroke and breathing difficulties than other dogs.

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